In this online course, we provide a detailed exploration of the orbicularis oris muscle, focusing on its role in facial expressions and during facial aging. We cover how the muscle functions during mouth opening and closing, and how these movements are antagonized, impacting aesthetic results. The course also addresses the orbicularis oris’s connections to surrounding structures, including the modiolus, the LLSAN (levator labii superioris alaeque nasi), and the DLI (depressor labii inferioris) muscles. Additionally, we discuss the implications of facial aging on the orbicularis oris, highlighting how changes over time can affect muscle function and the connection to the overlying skin alongside rhytid formation. This comprehensive anatomic understanding will enhance your ability to deliver precise and effective aesthetic treatments, especially with neuromodulators.
“When affected by facial aging, this muscle reduces the eversion of the vermillion.”
-Prof Cotofana
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