Our anatomy courses are the result of years of dedicated anatomical and clinical research, enriched by Professor Cotofana's extensive experience in anatomical dissections.
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A novice injector demonstrates a basic knowledge in anatomy (2D), rheology, patient assessment, and can master the basic injection techniques for neuromodulators, soft tissue fillers, and biostimulators.
Up to 4 years in practice, up to 790 conducted filler injections, up to 550 toxin injections.
Up to 4 years in practice, up to 790 conducted filler injections, up to 550 toxin injections.
A competent injector has obtained advanced knowledge in anatomy (3D), various rheologic parameters, patient assessment, and is able to address multiple regions requested with minimally invasive and non-invasive aesthetic treatment options.
Up to 6 years in practice, up to 1840 conducted filler injections, up to 1310 toxin injections.
Up to 6 years in practice, up to 1840 conducted filler injections, up to 1310 toxin injections.
An expert injector has obtained advanced knowledge in clinically applied and functional 3D anatomy, understands the tissue integration of various products utilized depending on their rheology, can perform individualized and patient specific assessment addressing the patient’s needs, and has mastered current treatment algorithms with a plethora of minimally invasive and non-invasive aesthetic treatment options.
More than 6 years in practice, more than 1840 conducted filler injections, more than 1310 toxin injections.
More than 6 years in practice, more than 1840 conducted filler injections, more than 1310 toxin injections.
Designed to elevate both your professional and academic journey, these courses provide invaluable insights aimed at enhancing your expertise and fostering a deep sense of confidence in your practice.
Gain a solid understanding of the underlying anatomic structures and how to avoid and support others in recognizing and managing neuromodulator-related adverse events
This comprehensive course bundle offers an in-depth exploration of injection techniques for the 11 most common neuromodulator treatment areas, complemented by detailed anatomical dissections.
This exclusive bundle of three anatomic dissection videos provides an in-depth review of facial anatomy - covering the upper, middle, and lower face.
Elevate your expertise with our exclusive bundle of three advanced anatomy dissection videos, focusing on the upper face, middle face, and lower face.
Elevate your understanding of neuromodulator treatments with our comprehensive Basic Anatomy for Facial Neuromodulators bundle
Begin your journey as an injector with our curated bundle of online courses, specifically designed to provide the foundational knowledge essential for new practitioners
This carefully curated set offers a rare opportunity to learn directly from one of the leading authorities in the field, as Prof. Cotofana shares his deep expertise with IMCAS congress participants.
Discover the basic anatomy of the frontalis muscle to understand how to treat forehead wrinkles
Explore the muscles of the glabella to excel in treating horizontal and vertical glabella lines
Explore the basic anatomy of the nasalis muscle to help treat bunny lines
Explore LLSAN and LAO muscles, their layered arrangement, and impacts on facial expression and aesthetics
Learn about the complex masseter muscle anatomy, its function and impact on facial aesthetics and facial shape
Explore the anatomy of the platysma muscle and its contribution to platysmal banding and lower facial contour
Explore the orbicularis oris muscle, its functions, and how this muscle contributes to the formation of the “barcode deformity”
Explore basic anatomy of the DAO and DLI, their relationships to other muscles, and their influence on lower lip positioning
Explore the basic anatomy of the mentalis muscle and its role in the formation of “chinulite”
Learn about the Aesthetic Principles and how they will help you to increase your aesthetic treatment outcomes
Learn about Aesthetic Principles for facial soft tissue filler injections
Review the location and function of the various facial ligaments through a detailed layer-by-layer dissection
Explore the layers of the scalp during a detailed live and narrated anatomic dissection
Explore the complexity of facial layers through a detailed anatomic dissection
Understand facial nerve branches through detailed layer-by-layer anatomic dissections
Explore and understand the “Lateral Face” and its key neurovascular structures through a detailed anatomic layer-by-layer dissection
Master the muscles of mastication through a detailed narrated anatomic dissection
Discover injection techniques for treating vertical and horizontal glabellar lines with neuromodulators
Discover effective techniques for treating horizontal forehead lines with neuromodulators
Learn how to best inject lateral canthal lines using neuromodulators.
Explore neuromodulator injection techniques for targeting lateral nasal lines which are also called bunny lines.
Discover neuromodulator injection techniques for masseter muscle hypertrophy.
Learn about neuromodulator injection techniques for treating the chin zone.
Learn about injection techniques pertaining to the lip flip and how to treat the so-called barcode deformity or barcode lines.
Learn about neuromodulator injection techniques to treat “Gummy smile”.
Explore neuromodulator injection techniques for addressing the Marionette line and reposition the oral commissure
Learn how to treat the jawline and midface with the Toxin Lift technique
Discover neuromodulator injection techniques for treating platysmal bands
Explore advanced dissections of the upper face, including temples and forehead and their neurovascular structures
Explore midface anatomy with advanced anatomic dissections, uncovering the medial and lateral midface
Advanced review of the lower face through anatomic dissections, focusing on the facial vessels and perioral muscles
This video covers the essential anatomy of the upper face as it pertains to neuromodulator injections.
This comprehensive video provides an in-depth demonstration of the middle facial anatomy essential for successful neuromodulator injections, focusing on midfacial muscles and nerves.
In the following video, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the anatomical structures of the lower face as they relate to neuromodulator injections, with a specific focus on the perioral muscles.
Learn about the platysma muscle with neuromodulators for increasing jawline contouring or for reducing the severity of platysmal bands
Gain insights into potential adverse events following treatment for the Gummy smile.
Layer-by-layer dissection of the perioral region alongside injection demonstrations
Revealing the the intricacies of the periorbital region and of the upper midface
An in-depth understanding of the potential adverse events associated with glabella treatments
Learn about the potential adverse events that can occur during treatment of the masseter muscle with neuromodulator injections
An in-depth exploration of the underlying anatomy of the forehead and the most effective injection techniques
Exploration of the underlying anatomy of the nasalis muscle and the associated layers of the midface
A detailed layer-by-layer dissection technique to show the anatomy of the jawline
A detailed layer-by-layer dissection technique to show the anatomy of the DAO and of the DLI
A detailed layer-by-layer dissection technique to show the anatomy of the DAO and of the DLI
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